Community Interest in Charter Option

Many Parents and Students in Monongalia County Want a Choice in Public Education

Survey data from Monogalia County as well as citizens across West Virginia indicate that a substantial percentage of parents and students desire a charter school option.

Morgantown Parent and Student Survey Responses

We conducted a survey and the results indicate that there is substantial support among parents and students for establi among parents and students for establishing a charter school in Morgantown. One in three parents in Monongalia County support a charter school in Morgantown. One in three parents in Monongalia County support charter schools and as many as 30% of students may seek to enroll if a charter sch three parents in Monongalia County support charter schools and as many as 30% of students may seek to enroll if a charter school were established in their community. Contrary to recent reports by special int charter schools and as many as 30% of students may seek to enroll if a charter school were established in their community. Contrary to recent reports by special interest groups, less than half of parents oppose charter schools and many parents a students may seek to enroll if a charter school were established in their community. Contrary to recent reports by special interest groups, less than half of parents oppose charter schools and many parents are still undecided. The full report of the survey results is available below. school were established in their community. Contrary to recent reports by special interest groups, less than half of parents oppose charter schools and many parents are still undecided. The full report of the survey results is available below. Contrary to recent reports by special interest groups, less than half of parents oppose charter schools and many parents are still undecided. The full report of the survey results is available below. groups, less than half of parents oppose charter schools and many parents are still undecided. The full report of the survey results is available below. charter schools and many parents are still undecided. The full report of the survey results is available below. undecided. The full report of the survey results is available below. results is available below.

Parent/Student Survey Result

Allocating More Resources to the Classroom

Charter schools provide greater flexibility in terms of organizational structure. This will allow our school to reduce administrative bloat allow our school to reduce administrative bloat and increase educational resources in the classroom. This translates to more resources bloat and increase educational resources in the classroom. This translates to more resources for student learning both within and beyond the classroom as well as better compensat the classroom. This translates to more resources for student learning both within and beyond the classroom as well as better compensation and higher expectations for teacher performance. resources for student learning both within and beyond the classroom as well as better compensation and higher expectations for teacher performance. and beyond the classroom as well as better compensation and higher expectations for teacher performance. compensation and higher expectations for teacher performance. teacher performance.

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Addressing Areas of Greatest Need in Public Education

A media survey indicated that one in two parents are dissatisfied with the state of public education in West Virginia. Charte public education in West Virginia. Charter schools are uniquely qualified to address many of the areas where traditional public schools are uniquely qualified to address many of the areas where traditional public schools are falling short. Employing best practices in course design and delivery, r many of the areas where traditional public schools are falling short. Employing best practices in course design and delivery, rethinking the extra-curricular experience and enrichment classes from top to bottom, schools are falling short. Employing best practices in course design and delivery, rethinking the extra-curricular experience and enrichment classes from top to bottom, and providing an educational experience that prioritizes student outcomes over all el practices in course design and delivery, rethinking the extra-curricular experience and enrichment classes from top to bottom, and providing an educational experience that prioritizes student outcomes over all else are just a few of the ways our school will meet the needs of parents and student rethinking the extra-curricular experience and enrichment classes from top to bottom, and providing an educational experience that prioritizes student outcomes over all else are just a few of the ways our school will meet the needs of parents and students. enrichment classes from top to bottom, and providing an educational experience that prioritizes student outcomes over all else are just a few of the ways our school will meet the needs of parents and students. providing an educational experience that prioritizes student outcomes over all else are just a few of the ways our school will meet the needs of parents and students. prioritizes student outcomes over all else are just a few of the ways our school will meet the needs of parents and students. just a few of the ways our school will meet the needs of parents and students. the needs of parents and students.

See Media Survey Results